The National Social Security and Insurance Trust is a Statutory Public Trust, charged with the responsibility of administering Sierra Leone’s National Pension Scheme. By the National Social Security and Insurance Trust Act. No. 5 of 20th July 2001. The National Social Security and Insurance Trust was established
“to provide retirement and other benefits to meet the contingency needs of workers and their dependents and to provide other related matters”
After the declaration of the end of the decade-long civil war (1991-2002), the President, Alhaji Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, expressed his desire to establish a social security scheme as part of the process of rehabilitation, reconstruction and resettlement geared towards sustainable peace, good governance, socio-economic development and political advancement. In order to achieve his dream, the President included Social Security within the mandate of the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations, in 1999, with the responsibility of establishing the Scheme for all categories of workers, and the Social Safety Net for the aged and needy throughout Sierra Leone.